Unfortunately ~15% of couples that want to conceive will experience infertility. 1 in 3 couples will struggle to fall pregnant when the women is >35 and that drops to 1 in 2 when >40.

In all these facts you’ll notice the common theme is how old the woman is… and yes,  this is the most significant factor in determining a women’s success at a healthy pregnancy. However it’s important to acknowledge that, while starting a family in your 20’s or early 30’s is strongly recommended, it isn’t on the cards for everyone.

So apart from age, what else can impact fertility…

In 40% of couples the cause of infertility is actually due to male factors, in another 40% there are female factors at play, and for the remaining 20% theirs either a combination of male and female factors or the cause is unknown.

To “make a baby” a lot of things have to happen “just right”… for some it looks effortless but there are so many steps in the process where things can go awry.

Depending on where in the process things come unstuck there are different treatments or assisted reproductive technologies available that have proven to help almost 90% of these couples get over this bump in the road, and get that bump where it belongs!

I’m going to do some posts about some of the more common male and female infertility factors, what can be done and how to seek help. So keep an eye out for these. In the meantime – if you are currently struggling with infertility, I’m so sorry, please reach out to your GP and discuss your options, help it out there!